A Complete Guide to Return Values in Python for Beginners

In Python programming, we often write functions to perform specific tasks. After a function finishes its work, we usually want it to give us back some information or a result that we can use in other parts of our program. This is where return values come in. In this python tutorial we will understand what are return values how should we include it in our code.

What Are Return Values?

Return values are a fundamental concept in Python programming that represent the output or result produced by a function when it completes its execution. They serve as a mechanism for functions to communicate their results back to the calling code, enabling data to flow between different parts of a program. Understanding return values is essential for writing effective and modular Python code.

Let’s look at a simple example:

def add_numbers(a, b):
    # Calculate the sum of two numbers and return the result
    result = a + b
    return result

# Call the function and store its return value
sum_result = add_numbers(5, 3)
print(f"The sum is: {sum_result}")  # Output: The sum is: 8

In this example, our function takes two numbers, adds them together, and returns the sum. The returned value can then be used elsewhere in our program, stored in variables, or used in other calculations.

Why Are Return Values Important?

Return values serve several crucial purposes in programming:

  1. Data Communication: They allow functions to communicate results back to other parts of your program.
  2. Modularity: They help create modular code where functions can work independently and share their results.
  3. Flexibility: They enable you to use function outputs in various ways, making your code more versatile.
  4. Testing: They make it easier to test your functions since you can verify the returned values.

How Return Values Work

When Python sees the return keyword, two things happen:

  1. The function immediately stops running
  2. The function hands back whatever value comes after the return statement

Here’s an example that shows how a function stops at the first return it finds:

def check_number(number):
    if number < 0:
        return "Negative"         # Function stops here if number is negative
    if number == 0:
        return "Zero"            # Function stops here if number is zero
    return "Positive"           # Function reaches here only if number is positive

print(check_number(-5))    # Shows: Negative
print(check_number(0))     # Shows: Zero
print(check_number(5))     # Shows: Positive

How to Use the Return Statement in Python Functions

The return statement is your way of specifying what value a function should send back. Let’s explore different ways to use it:

Basic Return Statement

def calculate_square(number):
    # Calculate the square of a number
    squared = number * number
    return squared

result = calculate_square(4)
print(result)  # Output: 16

When Python encounters a return statement, it immediately exits the function and sends back the specified value. This behavior is important to understand:

def early_return_example(number):
    # Demonstrate early return behavior
    if number < 0:
        return "Number must be positive"

    result = number * 2
    return result  # This line won't execute if number is negative

print(early_return_example(-5))  # Output: Number must be positive
print(early_return_example(5))   # Output: 10

Returning Multiple Values

Python makes it easy to return multiple values from a function using tuples:

def analyze_numbers(number):
    # Return multiple calculations for a given number
    square = number ** 2
    cube = number ** 3
    square_root = number ** 0.5

    return square, cube, square_root  # Python automatically packs these into a tuple

# Unpack the returned values into separate variables
sq, cb, sqrt = analyze_numbers(4)
print(f"Square: {sq}, Cube: {cb}, Square Root: {sqrt}")
# Output: Square: 16, Cube: 64, Square Root: 2.0

When you return multiple values, Python automatically packs them into a tuple. You can then unpack these values into separate variables when calling the function.

Return vs Print: Understanding the Difference

One common source of confusion for beginners is the difference between return and print. Let’s clarify this:

def function_with_print(x):
    # This function only prints a value
    print(x * 2)

def function_with_return(x):
    # This function returns a value
    return x * 2

# Let's see the difference
function_with_print(5)    # Output: 10
result = function_with_print(5)  # Output: 10, but result = None

calculation = function_with_return(5)  # No immediate output
print(calculation)  # Output: 10

Key differences:

  • print displays values in the console but doesn’t make them available for further use in your program
  • return sends values back to be used in other parts of your code
  • A function using only print actually returns None by default

Return Values in Modules

Modules are Python files containing code that you can reuse across different programs. Return values play a crucial role in making modules useful:

# mathematics.py module
def calculate_circle_properties(radius):
    """Calculate various properties of a circle"""
    pi = 3.14159
    area = pi * radius ** 2
    circumference = 2 * pi * radius
    diameter = 2 * radius

    return {
        "area": area,
        "circumference": circumference,
        "diameter": diameter

# In your main program:
import mathematics

circle_data = mathematics.calculate_circle_properties(5)
print(f"Circle Area: {circle_data['area']}")
print(f"Circle Circumference: {circle_data['circumference']}")

Here, we’re returning a dictionary containing multiple values, making it easy to access specific properties as needed.

Real-World Examples

Let’s look at some practical examples where return values are essential:

Temperature Converter

def convert_temperature(celsius):
    """Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and Kelvin"""
    # Calculate conversions
    fahrenheit = (celsius * 9/5) + 32
    kelvin = celsius + 273.15

    # Return all temperature scales in a dictionary
    return {
        "celsius": celsius,
        "fahrenheit": fahrenheit,
        "kelvin": kelvin

# Use the converter
temperatures = convert_temperature(25)
print(f"Celsius: {temperatures['celsius']}°C")
print(f"Fahrenheit: {temperatures['fahrenheit']}°F")
print(f"Kelvin: {temperatures['kelvin']}K")

This function converts a temperature between different scales and returns all values in a convenient dictionary format.

Shopping Cart Calculator

def calculate_cart_total(items, discount_code=None):
    """Calculate shopping cart total with optional discount"""
    # Calculate subtotal
    subtotal = sum(item['price'] * item['quantity'] for item in items)

    # Apply discount if valid
    discount = 0
    if discount_code == "SAVE20":
        discount = subtotal * 0.20

    # Calculate final total
    total = subtotal - discount

    return {
        "subtotal": subtotal,
        "discount": discount,
        "final_total": total

# Example usage
cart_items = [
    {"name": "Book", "price": 20, "quantity": 2},
    {"name": "Pen", "price": 5, "quantity": 3}

cart_summary = calculate_cart_total(cart_items, "SAVE20")
print(f"Subtotal: ${cart_summary['subtotal']}")
print(f"Discount: ${cart_summary['discount']}")
print(f"Final Total: ${cart_summary['final_total']}")

Best Practices for Using Return Values

  1. Always be explicit about return values. Even if a function returns None, consider making it clear in the documentation.
  2. Use meaningful variable names for returned values:
def get_user_info(user_id):
    # Return user information
    name = "John Doe"
    age = 30
    email = "john@example.com"

    return name, age, email  # Clear what we're returning

# Using meaningful names when unpacking
user_name, user_age, user_email = get_user_info(123)
  1. Consider using named tuples or dictionaries for multiple return values to make the code more readable:
from collections import namedtuple

def get_circle_info(radius):
    # Create a named tuple for circle properties
    CircleInfo = namedtuple('CircleInfo', ['area', 'circumference'])

    pi = 3.14159
    area = pi * radius ** 2
    circumference = 2 * pi * radius

    return CircleInfo(area, circumference)

# Using named tuple
circle = get_circle_info(5)
print(f"Area: {circle.area}")
print(f"Circumference: {circle.circumference}")

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Forgetting to return a value:
def add_numbers(a, b):
    result = a + b
    # Forgot to return result - function will return None!

# This won't work as expected
sum_result = add_numbers(5, 3)
print(sum_result)  # Output: None
  1. Using return without a value (returns None):
def process_data(data):
    if not data:
        return  # Returns None
    # Process data here
  1. Trying to use a return value from a function that only prints:
def display_result(number):
    print(f"Result: {number * 2}")

# This won't work as expected
result = display_result(5)  # Prints "Result: 10"
print(result)  # Output: None


Return values are fundamental to creating useful and reusable functions in Python. They allow your functions to communicate results back to other parts of your program, making it possible to build complex applications from simple, modular pieces of code.

Remember these key points:

  • Every function in Python returns something (even if it’s None)
  • Use return values to make your functions more versatile and reusable
  • Choose appropriate data structures for returning multiple values
  • Be explicit about what your functions return
  • Understand the difference between returning and printing values

With this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to create functions that effectively communicate their results and contribute to more organized and maintainable code. Happy coding!

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What are Functions in Python, its types and how to define and call them.

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Variable Scope : What are Global and Local Variables in Python With Examples

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